Princess Libby -- She's all that!

Libby - Six Years Old (July 2010)


Monday, April 20, 2009

Time for Softball!

The softball season has begun! This is Libby's first year to play. She is very excited to get started! Adding to the excitement is the fact that her cousin Abi is also on the same softball team with her. The girls had their first practice Thursday. They did fairly well and had lots of fun!

Here is Libby, stylin' as always!
Playing softball makes a girl thirsty!

Libby actually can throw the ball pretty far!
And FYI...The boy standing behind Libby isn't a boy!
I thought it was a little strange a boy would be on a girls softball team!

A little practice at catching some grounders.
This picture makes Libby look better than she is...
She missed the ball! But she's good on the hustle!

Libby and Abi waiting their turns to bat!

Libby getting ready to bat.
Yes, her stance needs a little work.
I love watching kids this little playing ball...
it's so amusing because they really don't know what's going on!
It's all for the parents entertainment!
Isn't that why we have entertain us?

Here she is running for first! She's a speed demon!
Libby's next practice is tomorrow...
Judging by the weather forecast, I think it will get rained out!

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