Princess Libby -- She's all that!

Libby - Six Years Old (July 2010)


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Dr. Princess

Libby had her 6mth check-up at the dentist this week. Libby calls her dentist Dr. Princess! It's all the dentist's fault...I had nothing to do with it. Her name is Dr. Janer, but it is pronounced some other way, so she told Libby she could just call her "Princess"...There is also a castle in the waiting room, so it all goes with the theme! Anyway, that's why Libby's dentist is called, "Dr. Princess!" During the check-up the kids get to wear sunglasses so the exam light doesn't shine in their eyes...her glasses were purple, as well as the drape they put around her neck! It all matched her outfit she was wearing! She's so cool the way she so effortlessly coordinates everything!

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