Princess Libby -- She's all that!

Libby - Six Years Old (July 2010)


Monday, January 12, 2009

For Christopher

Libby received an invitation in the mail to her little friend Christopher's 2nd birthday party and she was so excited...until I told her we wouldn't be able to go because mommy has to work! (Why don't people ever have parties on Tuesday afternoon???) Anyway, she wanted to make a little movie for Christopher to watch because she knows he is an avid blog reader! By the way Kennita, Libby loved the invitation! She said, "Oh my gosh! Look how big Christopher is getting!" I thought that was pretty funny since she just saw a picture of him on the xmas card you sent us! She also wanted to hang the invitation up on our front door where we had the xmas cards! So now there is just the one pic of Christopher hanging in the middle of the really looks like a wanted poster now! We hope Christopher enjoys Libby's movie and has a great birthday and we'll make it down sometime for a visit!

1 comment:

mrsmac said...

Hey Hoover!!! Cute kid~~~~she yours?? Couldn't tell.
She looks like she's grown a foot since I left!
Hey, I have a blog!!!!! I know,you're thinking "What the heck could she have to write about?"
It's at two posts and no fancy artwork or pictures,but I'm learning!
Miss you all~~~~OK,maybe not ALL!