Monday was the day for Mike's rotator cuff surgery. I took one last picture of him and Libby together, just in case his surgery was more serious than we were expecting! I don't think he appreciated my humor! It was a long day! His surgery wasn't until 1pm, which is Libby's nap time. We waited at my friend Vosko's house so Libby wouldn't go insane in the waiting room. We put her and Josie down for a nap and neither one of them fell asleep! We didn't get home until 8pm that night! Poor Libby just looked exhausted and even had bags under her eyes! She also was having trouble understanding why Mike was talking funny and unable to stay awake! He's been having a lot of pain, his injury was worse than expected. He's at the doctor as I sit here and update my blog! So we'll see what they have to say!
While taking care of Mike and trying not to neglect Libby has kept me very busy...I almost missed the new season kickoff of American Idol...until my AI devoted friend, Kennita, sent me a text to remind me! At the end of every season I say that I won't watch the next season because it gets monotonous, but I did tune in last night as I'm sure I will again tonight! What can I say?! It's not like there is anything better on the 6 channels of non-cable tv I get anyway! That's all I have for now...I have to get to the grocery and stock up on food before the blizzard hits! Hahahaha!
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