Later, while the girls were eating lunch, someone discovered some balloons on the table. They were all trying to blow up their balloons without any success. After Grandpa stretched the balloons out, Cassie and Libby were able to blow up their balloons. Poor Julianna didn't quite get it. She would try and try but in the meantime she was just spitting and slobbering all over the balloon. Then she didn't understand why nobody wanted to blow her balloon up for her!
After we went home that day, Libby decided to name her balloon. It's a girl, so she named it Grace. The next day she changed its name to Nathan Grace, because she LOVES Nathan! But now I'm not sure if the balloon is a boy or girl?! Sorry might still be a girl because she doesn't like boys...except you!
Here is Cassie and Libby comparing their balloons. Yes, size does matter!
Here's my future HoopStar!
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