It's voting time on Idol again! So far I like the new set up for American Idol this year. It had been getting monotonous these past few years. Last night 12 of the top 36 performed. It was not pretty! I'm going to sound like one of the judges now for a minute....Song choice was a big factor last night! I'm usually not as critical as the judges...but, it was nasty last night! There were a few good performances though. As far as I can tell this is how the top three is going to be picked... Top Boy, Top Girl, and then next in line, boy or girl. So here are my 3 picks based on that criteria, but we'll have to wait until tonight for the official word! If you haven't caught Idol yet this season, tune in... It's not too late! I always need more friends to share in my dorky idol obsession!
Top Boy: Danny GokeyI think he will be in the top 5! That's my prediction for him!
He has a unique quality to his voice, but it also sounds nice!
Top Girl: Alexis GraceThe difference between her speaking voice and her singing voice is amazing!
Sister brought it on last night! What a powerhouse!
I think she will make it to the top 5 as well!
Next in line: Anoop Desai, aka "Noop Dogg"I like this guy! He didn't get the best reviews last night,
but I thought he did well. And based on his past performances, I think
he is a strong contender! Top ten for him!
We'll see how close I am after watching the results show tonight. I'm usually like Simon...Right on the Money! Hahaha!
Peace out...
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