We were pleasantly surprised when Hailey's mom called yesterday morning to see if Hailey could come over to play. Libby could hardly wait the two hours until Hailey arrived! The girls were being shy at first, but quickly warmed up to each other and were upstairs putting on princess dresses before you could say, "Bibbity-Bobbity-Boo!" Of course they weren't cooperating when I wanted to take their pictures together, but changed their minds when I told them I would make a movie of them dancing in their dresses! So here is what I ended up with from their day together:
I consider this a mild success at getting the girls in a picture together.At first, they were standing on opposite sides of the room...
Yes, they are so funny, to themselves anyway!
Here is Hailey in her dress...
...and Libby in hers. Please excuse my child's appearance!She didn't feel the need to get dressed or brush herhair before Hailey came over!
And here are the "Two Twirling Princesses!"
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