Princess Libby -- She's all that!

Libby - Six Years Old (July 2010)


Saturday, January 3, 2009

Buried Treasure

I noticed something on the computer I was sitting at while I was working tonight. It was an old file containing pictures I had downloaded and saved off of Libby's old website she had a few years ago. The website was closing down so I had to do something with her pictures. I was at work when I got the email notification, so I just saved them to the computer and I was going to email them to myself, or something. Well something never happened, and those pictures have been on this random computer at work, and I just stumbled across them. It was like finding a buried treasure! I took them when we were still living at our old house in Indy. Libby inspired me to try really hard to take beautiful pictures of her. These turned out to be my most favorite pictures of all! She was just the sweetest, most cuddliest baby I've ever seen! And look at those cheeks! I didn't think they were big back then! I hope you enjoy looking at them as much as I do!

This one is my favorite. I still remember that day. It was May, Libby was 10 months old, it was a nice warm spring day and there was this perfect little breeze. Libby wanted to sit on the swing. She found the direction of the breeze, turned her face towards it, and just sat there letting the breeze sweep across her face. And this is the picture I got! I love it! It doesn't get any more beautiful than that!

This is another picture from that same week. Libby was finally old enough, and it was finally nice enough, that we would just go outside and sit in the grass and play. On this particular day she discovered those helicopters that fall from the trees. She learned quickly they weren't as tasty as they were interesting!

I can't take credit for this picture, it was actually taken at a studio. She is 6 months old here. She was just learning to sit up on her own, but only for seconds at a time. When we arrived at the studio the photographer asked if she was sitting up yet and I told him only for brief periods. That baby of mine made a liar out of me! She sat up the whole time! Never fell over! I guess even at that young age she already knew she was going to love having her picture taken!

This is the same day as the first picture. She was learning about dandelions, although she didn't try to eat them! She just played with them in her hands. Look at her little feet! I love those little piggies! And those cheeks! I would literally just kiss those cheeks all day long! And there's that breeze blowing through her little downy baby hair!

This is Libby when she was 1yr old! She was still fascinated with being outside, sitting in the grass and just picking at everything. And before you ask, no I did not make a habit of letting her play outside in long white flowing dresses! We just finished having her 1 yr old pics taken at the studio, but they were all indoors. I wanted some nice outdoor pictures, too! I was more than happy with what my camera found! Sometimes my mad skills blow me away! :)

Look how intently she is studying that flower petal! And just look at her ponytail with the little pink bow!

I made all these pics in black and white, too! It's a toss up which ones I like better...the contrast of color are so vivid in these pics, but I love candid black and white photos too!

She found a lot of interesting things on the ground that day.

There's her little piggies poking up out of the grass! Have I mentioned I love those piggies?!
Time to find the source of all those flower petals on the ground!

This picture reminds me of Little House on the Prairie. Do you remember in the opening clips when Laura Ingalls was just a little girl and she was running down the hill and she fell, then got up and started running down the hill again? That's what this picture reminds me of. Do you see the connection? Anyone...Anyone? Ok, so I might have unresolved Little House issues!
Well this concludes my photo show! Thank you for sharing my trip down memory lane with me! Now go dig out your old photos and do the same thing, because you all know you want to be just like me!


Anonymous said...

How funny you found those photos like that. I'm sure we all have them around here somewhere. Cute.

Angie said...

What a cutie pie! She still is. Enjoyed the "old" new pics.