Last week there was a back to school camp out at Nathan's house. All the cousins and some friends were there. Tarah was brave enough to host the whole event! All the kids camped out in tents..there was a girls tent and a boys tent...they also had a camp fire and roasted marshmallows. Libby also said they made ice cream sandwiches in the fire, but I think maybe she got confused! I'm pretty sure they were smores!
Here is Nathan, my favorite nephew!I can't believe he is going to be in 5th grade!
It wasn't that long ago when Libby was just a tiny baby and we would pick Nathan up from Kindergarten!
Damn kids...grow too fast!
Here is my big girl at her first camp out!She was so excited to be spending the night in a tent with her cousins
and her Hannah Montana sleeping bag!
Abi and Libby in the tent...not cooperating with me so I can take their pictures!
Here are the kids that like to have their pics taken:Cassie, Julianna and Kenzie!
I just couldn't get all the kids together at the same time!Here is Cassie, Lexi and Julianna.