Princess Libby -- She's all that!

Libby - Six Years Old (July 2010)


Monday, September 7, 2009

There are 12 months in a Macarena!

Libby has really been enjoying Kindergarten so far this year and has been learning lots of new things. She learned a song in preschool about the twelve months in a year, so when she said she learned a new song about the twelve months in a year I just figured it was the same song. I was surprised when I found out that yes, it was the same song, but this version comes with choreography! Then when I realized it was the "macarena" dance, it just made me laugh! Can you imagine a room full of Kindergartners doing the macarena while reciting the months of the year? Lucky for you I have a video! Now just multiple this by 17 and you get Libby's Kindergarten class!

1 comment:

momof4girls said...

Oh my gosh, Breanna has learned that too. It is so funny to watch her. She also does the days of the week by the munster's theme song.