Princess Libby -- She's all that!

Libby - Six Years Old (July 2010)


Saturday, February 5, 2011

Things to do on a Snowy Day!

Libby and I usually go to Walmart on Friday nights. This Friday we went to see Beauty and the Beast which was playing at the Tipton High School. My brother Jack and his three girls went along with us. I love watching Libby react to what she sees. She is at the age that she still thinks things are the actors on stage. She was literally sitting on the edge of her seat while she was watching the musical. It was a very good performance, and for $5/ can't beat that kind of entertainment!

Since we missed our Walmart trip Friday, I was planning on going Saturday after breakfast. That's when I looked outside...Snow. Not just flurries, it was coming down fast and steady. Crap. I thought about still going before it got worse. Then I remembered Walmart doesn't have a parking garage. I get kind of spoiled parking in a garage at home and at work. I don't really ever have to clean snow off my truck. I didn't want to start today. Cancel the trip to Walmart. Libby, she's a little smarter than me...when I told her we couldn't go, she said, "I already knew that because I saw the snow." There you go. I'm not smarter than a first grader!

Now to think of things to fill the day. We already watched several episodes of iCarly, read 7 books, made each other Valentine's cards with paper, markers and stickers, played go was time to dig deeper into my bag of tricks. I suggested cooking something. Libby was all for it! She loves to bake. She wanted to make something out of her Paula Dean "My First Cookbook." The only thing I had all the ingredients for were vanilla cupcakes. Perfect.

Here is Libby reading the directions. At first she is really reading, then she starts making up her own story.

Then she decides she won't cooperate with pictures today. She likes to have her picture taken, more than most children I think! But sometimes she thinks it's funnier when she hides from the camera! Little booger!

See that look on her face. She knows she is being difficult!

Notice where she is sitting. She likes to sit up on the counter when we bake so she can be right in the middle of all the action.

Don't forget the chef's hat! She's hoping she will be able to use her pig whisk that grandma got her, along with her own measuring cups and spoons.

But before we really get started Libby thinks we should have a sweet tart and make "sweet tart faces." Here's mine...

...and here is Libby's!

A snow day isn't a snow day unless you stay in your jammies all day!

Libby is surprised by how yummy butter and sugar is whipped together. This is from a girl who likes to eat butter out of the tub...and peanut butter and jelly, too.

This is the real reason Libby likes to bake. The beaters. It doesn't matter what is on them, she wants to lick them. What makes it even better is there is a mirror over our sink (I have no idea why! It came with the house!). Libby likes to watch herself in the mirror to see how messy her face gets while she's licking the beaters. I love this child of mine!

The next best thing after the beaters is the sprinkles! It is not truly done until it is covered in sprinkles. And there is no such thing as too much!

Let's talk about the cupcakes for a minute. YUM! I used almond extract instead of vanilla in the cake and icing. SOOO GOOD! I wish you all could taste these cupcakes! If you feel like braving the snow, come on over...we will share our cupcakes with you! But you better hurry...they are going fast!

Let's check on the weather...

Five inches in a matter of hours! Perfect for packing snowballs, snowmen or sledding. Forget about the three inches of ice below it!

This used to be my playground...well Libby's anyway. It won't be seeing any action for a while!

I was tempted to get the Christmas decorations back out and decorate this tree outside. Wouldn't some lights and ornaments perk it right up?? I agree!

How about a little entertainment?

Mike came by looking for some part for his snow plow. He got stuck in my driveway when he was trying to leave. Libby and I had a few laughs about that. He was in that spot about 20 minutes.

Finally free! No wait...stuck again! Seven more minutes in this spot. A few more giggles from the crowd inside. He got free only to advance a few more feet and get stuck again, only a few minutes this time before he made it to the "shallow" part of the driveway and finally out to the road. Cheers! Libby called him when he made it to the road to tell him she saw that he got stuck. I love it when kids point out the obvious. As long as the pointing isn't at me, of course.

I hope all of you had your own snow day adventures today! And remember...the groundhog didn't see his shadow, so spring is just around the corner!

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