Princess Libby -- She's all that!

Libby - Six Years Old (July 2010)


Sunday, January 30, 2011

Goals for 2011

Many people make New Year's Resolutions...but those are often broken before January is finished. I've decided to set some goals for myself for the year. I've read that an important step in obtaining these goals is to share them with others so you will hold yourself accountable. If people are aware of your goals, you won't dismiss them so easily! They are also supposed to be reasonable and attainable. If your goals are unrealistic, you are only setting yourself up for failure. So here are my goals for the year...feel free to ask me occasionally how I am doing!

1. Pay off my credit cards and keep them paid off! It may take all year, but it will happen! I would like to do something fun with my tax check, but it will go to my credit cards...that will make a nice start to reaching my goal!
2. Build up my savings account. My goal is to have $1000 by the end of the year. It doesn't sound like much...but I've been broke for a long time, so $1000 sounds great! Pay off credit cards and save money at the same time...tricky!
3. Take Libby to Disney! I think October is going to be the best time to go! I can't wait to surprise her with this one! Pay off credit cards, save money, take big expensive keeps getting trickier!
4. Lose my last 30 lbs! I've been working hard this past year, but there is still more to do. I know I can do it! It's just going to take a little more time. I will feel fabulous when I reach my goal...hopefully by summer! I may even get a tan, too! I know...wild and crazy! I'll be smokin' hot!
5. Exercise twice a week. This is my minimum goal. I would like to fit in more time than that, but I need to be reasonable! It's hard to get moving with my crazy mixed up work schedule and still spend quality time with Libby. But I'm already working on making it a habit. It will be so much easier when winter is over!
6. Go on ONE date this year! Really? Wow! I'm torn on this one! I would like to start dating and getting out more, but I don't want to leave Libby to do it. Besides the obvious obstacle of actually meeting someone to go out with, how does one just choose to spend time with some guy that you may not even end up liking over spending time with their child? The guilt is overwhelming! I don't ever want Libby to feel like she is my second choice.
7. Make ONE improvement to my house. Ugh! There is so much to do to "this old house!" This was supposed to be my "fixer-up" dream house. But that fizzled. It's so expensive to remodel! So I've decided maybe I just need to deal with the fact that I may spend my whole life fixing this place up and just start with baby, ONE improvement, of any kind this year and I will be happy!
8. Develop/nurture a hobby! There are things I could be doing...scrapbooking, sewing...but I never take the time to do it. So my goal is to take time to do something I enjoy! Maybe even make myself a "craft room" so it is easier for me to get started on my hobbies. I am doing well with this goal so far! I've learned to crochet! I tried to learn when I was pregnant with Libby and I just couldn't grasp it. I tried it again and it stuck this time! I was so excited! I've made four scarves and I'm working on my first baby blanket right now. It's fun!

And my final goal is a lifetime goal which I never plan to fail...Show Libby each and every day how much I love her, make her smile and hear her laugh everyday, give her the best childhood possible and be the best mom I can be! Because really, all my other goals don't matter as long as I can do this one! Libby's happiness is my happiness!

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