Princess Libby -- She's all that!

Libby - Six Years Old (July 2010)


Monday, July 27, 2009

Birthday...part 1

This year Libby's birthday turned into "The week of Libby!" Since her birthday was on Wednesday, but her party wasn't until Saturday we did a little celebrating both days! She also got to go to Chuck E. Cheese on Wednesday and Thursday to play! Sometimes I just can't help myself!

You may think that my little princess only dresses up like this on special occasions, but you would be wrong! This was just an ordinary day! I love her for this! We did go out to eat to Texas Roadhouse that night and she was turning heads! She's so cute! I love her to pieces!

Here is Libby on Wednesday, her birthday, opening presents from Mommy.
In case you couldn't tell from the hand gesture, she's five!

She got a new book, "Godilicious." It is a sequel to the "Pinkilicious" and
"Purplicious" books. They are really cute books. I recommend them to all little girls!

Libby loves to sing, especially songs from Grease. But she really only knows 1 1/2 lines from the song "Sandra Dee." I bought her the Grease soundtrack to remedy this problem! She was soo soo excited! But I did have to alter some lyrics for her. For instance, I don't really want her singing about virginity, so I told her instead of, "Look at me I'm Sandra Dee, lousy with virginity..." that it says, "lousy with affinity!" Then it just makes me laugh (on the inside, of course)!

Since she was have a Tinkerbell themed party, I had to get her a Tinkerbell outfit! It looked really cute the first day she wore it, until she spilled tea on it on ruined it! Oops!

Nothing could make my baby more happy than a new pair of Hannah Montana jammies! It's what every girl dreams of!

A pair of froggy jammies are cool too!

I think this was her favorite gift of all...
It's her new bug house! She had been using one of my sports bottles to collect her bugs in...but they don't last long! The first night she had her bug house we collected lightening bugs..probably 10-15 of them! Then we took her little bug house full of lightening bugs and sat it on her night stand for a night light! I am the coolest mom in the world, just in case you were wondering!

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