Princess Libby -- She's all that!

Libby - Six Years Old (July 2010)


Monday, July 27, 2009

Summer Fun

Yes I know summer began a long time ago! In fact, I can't believe it's almost over! Where did the time go? This was the fastest summer ever! All the things I had planned for Libby and me this summer...none of it got done! Not one trip to the zoo, not one little get-away, not a play date, and definitely none of those sleep overs I promised her! But she did at least have some fun playing in the water! You know, way back at the beginning of summer when it was warm?!?! Here are Libby's adventures with her slip-n-slide:

You may not be aware of the 101 uses for a slip-n-slide...
Use # 72: May be used as a drinking fountain!

Use # 35: may be used as a pool for relaxing

Use #1: Slipping and sliding, of course!

Use #88: May be used to take a leisurely stroll.

Use #49: May be used for running!

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