Princess Libby -- She's all that!

Libby - Six Years Old (July 2010)


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Fun at the Ball Diamond!

Libby and I have been able to make it to a few of Nathan's baseball games this summer. It has been hot and Libby gets a little bored after she's already been to the concession stand enough and I have to tell her no! Luckily, the ball diamond is at the school, so sometimes Libby likes to venture over to the playground!

Here is Nathan up to bat. He actually missed that pitch, but at least it gave me a chance to get a picture of him looking in my general direction!

The main reason Libby wanted to take me to her playground was so she could show me how good she's getting on the monkey bars.
She can make it all the way across now.
She is 89% monkey anyway!

My nieces also happen to be at the ball diamond that day, which contributed to the urgency of playing on the playground. In the background are Kenzie and Julianna. I don't know how Cassie managed to escape all pictures.

We have a whole family of monkeys!

Just hanging around.

Julianna taking it easy.

Kenzie and Libby on the tire swing.

Zooming down the slide.
We eventually made it back to Nathan's game!
I was watching him with my magic eyes the whole time!

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