Princess Libby -- She's all that!

Libby - Six Years Old (July 2010)


Friday, March 6, 2009

Libby the Fashionista

Here is my little piece of Hollywood, right here in Tipton!
Last weekend Mike thought it would be cute to put a "hanky hat" (that's what we call a bandanna on your head because that's how we roll!) on Libby instead of fixing her hair. So now she thinks that is her hair-do when she is with Daddy. Yesterday we all went out for breakfast and Libby went to get a hanky hat so I could fix her hair. Of course, you can't JUST wear a hanky hat, you need shades too! I made sure I left a little bit of her hair exposed so people wouldn't think she had cancer! She got many compliments on her look, of course, because people think she is a movie star!

And I can't just take a picture of Libby. She wants me to make a movie of her doing her little dance! So here she little dancin' machine!

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