Princess Libby -- She's all that!

Libby - Six Years Old (July 2010)


Saturday, August 2, 2008

Libby's Playdate

Last week my friends from Methodist came over for a little get together/cookout. It's kind of cool the way our kids are grouped together. There are six kids...three girls about the same age and three boys ("the babies")the same age. We've been getting the girls together since Libby was about two. It used to be easier to get together before we moved out of indy and before the girls started school and before the babies arrived! But we still manage to get the whole group together at least once a year. Everyone made the long trek from the city out to Tipton! The kids had lots of fun playing together. They played in the pool and slip n slide, jumped on the trampoline, played on the playground, played in the play room inside...I think they covered all there was to do! Here are just a few pics..

This is actually from a different day, but I threw it in anyway...Nathan and Libby playing in the pool.
Here are 5 of the 6 kids playing in the pool. One of the boys wasn't too impressed with the cold water!

I was worried the pool wouldn't be big enough for all the kids, but I don't think they even noticed it was a little crowded because they were having so much fun going down the slide and splashing around!

The girls pose for their yearly picture! They have grown a lot from last year!

The Red Sucker Trio!

We tried to get all the kids together, but only 4 were cooperating!

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