Princess Libby -- She's all that!

Libby - Six Years Old (July 2010)


Sunday, May 25, 2008

Lavinia...the Snake!

I would like to introduce Libby's latest pet....Lavinia the Snake (yes, she named it all by herself. She got the name from a doll in her book named Marabelle Lavinia Chandelier!) And before you ask, Hell No! I did not say she could have a snake! This is all on Mike! His friend, Dave, found it in his yard and thought Libby might like it. Of course Mike said yes, even though I said no! Anyway...I think the snake has been with us about two weeks now. Mike will take the snake out of its cage and hold it so Libby can pet it. She will only pet it if he has the snake head contained. They have dug up bugs and worms for it to eat, but poor Lavinia hasn't been eating. So today, sadly, Mike suggested to Libby that they set Lavinia free in our yard so she can eat and grow. Libby was ok with that. Thankfully, we are now back down to one pet, Ginger the Wonder Dog!

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