Princess Libby -- She's all that!

Libby - Six Years Old (July 2010)


Thursday, May 1, 2008

"Maybe when I get bigger..."

This phrase is something I hear quite often coming out of Libby's mouth. It's usually followed by something like, "I can drive daddy's truck," "I can go to work, too," "I can do my own laundry." But I have to admit, that little girl of mine caught me off guard last night while I was giving her a bath! It starts off like any other..."Maybe when I get bigger..." (I was really expecting her to say something like..."I can take a bath all by myself!") But what I REALLY heard was this... "Maybe when I get bigger I will have big boobies!" WHAT?? Where did that come from?! I was stunned and just quietly replied, (while laughing hysterically way deep down inside) "Maybe!" Then she continues to ponder the existence of boobies, as I do everyday..."Why do we have to have big boobies?" I could only come up with one reply, as I am still trying to figure out the answer to that question myself, "I sure don't know, Sugar!" Luckily, she seemed content with that answer and we continued on with her bath. Please, God, don't let her ask why we have to have "hoo-hoo's"!!!


Katie said...

Hahahahahha! Hoo Hoos! Boobies! I'm cracking up!

Katie said...

Hahahahahha! Hoo Hoos! Boobies! I'm cracking up!